Virtual Trivia

Question 5: Barlow’s Knoll

April 5, 2021

Barlows' Knoll after first day's battle, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, northwest of town. July 1, 1863. Photograph from the National Archives.

Eddie Pickett’s brother Starr went to Gettysburg to bring back Eddie’s remains. What did he find that confirmed to him that the body was that of his brother Eddie?

  1. Identification tucked in his hat
  2. The label in his uniform
  3. A watch and a pencil
  4. His dog tags around his neck

His brother Starr searched some time among the dead at Gettysburg before finding Eddie; his blanket was wrapped around him, his watch and pencil, given by Starr, were in his coat sleeve.

By the end of the Civil War, over 40% of the Union Army's dead were unidentified. The first official dog tags were issued to Army soldiers in 1906. It wasn't until 1917 that all U.S. combat troops in all branches of the military were required to wear dog tags.