Virtual Trivia

Question 6: From Private to Governor

April 6, 2021

Portrait of Phineas C. Lounsbury ca. 1895

When the Civil War broke out another Ridgefield man enlisted as a private in the 17th Connecticut Regiment, but after four months' active service was compelled by severe sickness to return. He was honorably discharged and recommended for a pension, which he would not accept. He and his brother founded a shoe factory and he went on to be Governor of Connecticut.

  1. William Buckingham
  2. George E. Lounsbury
  3. Edward Hawley
  4. Phineas C. Lounsbury

Phineas C. Lounsbury was governor from 1887 to 1889 and a member of Connecticut’s House of Representatives from 1874 to 1876. He advocated for instituting a 60-hour work week for women and children under 16. He lived in the building that is now Ridgefield's Community Center, died in 1925 and is buried in Lounsbury Cemetery in Ridgefield.
Phineas' older brother and business partner, George, also served as Governor of Connecticut from 1899 to 1901.