Virtual Trivia

Question 11: A View from the Resseguie Inn

April 11, 2021

Lithograph of the Battle of Fort Donelson by Kurz & Allison, ca. 1887. From the Library of Congress.

On February 17th, 1862 Anna Marie Resseguie (granddaughter of Timothy Keeler) wrote in her journal, “Fort Donelson is in possession of the Unionists with 20,000 confederate prisoners.” How did the citizens of Ridgefield celebrate this victory?

  1. Held a parade
  2. Rang bells and shot cannons
  3. Set off fireworks
  4. Observed a day of prayer

According to Anna Marie’s journal entry, “The bells are rung and cannons fired for joy. News of another victory is confirmed today.” The Battle of Fort Donelson was fought in February 1862 in Tennessee. The Union's success at the battle gave it an important avenue for invasion of the South. It also elevated the previously obscure and unproven Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant to the rank of Major General and earned him the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant.