Virtual Trivia

Question 25: Keep the Home Fires Burning

April 25, 2021

"Six and Eighty-Six Knitting for the Soldiers" etching from The Tribute Book by Frank Goodrich, published 1865. Goodrich was the son of author Samuel G. Goodrich of Ridgefield, aka Peter Parley.

While the soldiers were fighting, which of the following were the people at home NOT doing?

  1. Paying a town bounty of $200 for the support of the soldiers’ families
  2. Collecting scrap metal for use in weapon manufacturing
  3. Taking measures to fill the quota of soldiers for the town
  4. Knitting socks.

On October 12, 1861 Anna Marie writes, “Mother knits a whole Army sock today”. Paying of bounties and filling quotas were voted for in the many Special Town Meetings held during the war.