Battle of Ridgefield (Grades 6–8)

The Battle of Ridgefield brings the stories of the American Revolution to life—in the place where it happened! Lauded as the only inland battle in Connecticut, the Battle of Ridgefield left its mark on the Keeler Tavern quite literately—there is a cannonball from British cannons still stuck in the house to this day. This interactive virtual learning program includes details on the burning of Danbury and the actions of Benedict Arnold share from the Assembly Room of Keeler Tavern. The virtual program is led by a costumed educator using primary sources from the museum’s collection to bring the battle to life and challenge students to consider the benefits of staying loyal to England along with the costs of fighting for independence.

We recommend that teachers use the pre-visit QFT activity so that the presenter can craft the program around student questions and curiosity as well as their pre-knowledge about the American Revolution. Request this Google Forms activity by emailing

Adjustable for grades 5—12. This program is designed to run 45 minutes.

This program can be followed up with our Battle of Ridgefield outreach, which guides students through primary sources from museum collections.

To book a program, fill out our Virtual Program Form, or for more information please contact our Education Department.

Extend the Learning

Recent Skeletons Found in Ridgefield

If you are curious about the 18th century skeletons found in Ridgefield, the Office of the State Archeologist has a quick summary about their work at the site – or you can listen to former State Archeologist report to the Ridgefield Historical Society. Maybe your own local newspaper covered the discovery as well – it did make the national news!

Learn More

Bike the Battle Route

Sal Lilienthal, owner of Bicycle Tour Company, and Mary Collins, associate professor at Central Connecticut State University, crafted a website that offers bicycle routes of famous events during the American Revolution in Connecticut – nine tours in total! If you want to truly experience the route of the British during the Battle of Ridgefield, you can attempt it by bicycle or contact them for more information.

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