Colonial Life (Grades 3–5)

Timothy’s Tavern & Esther’s Kitchen

Students will learn about Esther and Timothy Keeler, owners of the Keeler Tavern, as an introduction for students to family and community life in early America. Students make connections between life in early America and the present day through readings and activities that introduce the tavern as the center of town life and how Timothy ran his business and the post office. Then students can explore Esther’s kitchen and learn about 18th century herb gardens and herbal remedies.

The Teacher Resource Packet includes all the information about this unit, including curriculum connections, activity worksheets and answers. For ease of distribution to students, the Student Activities Packet includes just the activity worksheets. The final activities for both Timothy's Tavern and Esther's Kitchen are hands-on activities; a materials list is provided on the activity worksheet.

Timothy's Tavern

Esther's Kitchen

To book a program, fill out our Virtual Program Form, or for more information please contact our Education Department.


Extend the Learning

Colonial Taverns
This website has links to paintings and drawings of taverns in the 18th century. Keeler Tavern opened in 1772. Can you find an image from around the same time that helps you imagine what Timothy’s tavern looked like?

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Colonial Food
Many of us are practicing the art of breadmaking while we are learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bread was baked in beehive ovens in the great hearths of the 18th century which most of us do not have in our kitchens today. This recipe is adapted from 18th century cookbooks for modern kitchen use. If you have your homemade butter, this is the perfect next culinary history adventure!

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Please contact us for more information.